Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My One Word

I have been hearing about "My One Word" for the last week on KLOVE as I drive to work in the morning. Basically the concept is you choose one word that you want express what you want God to do for you and through you in the new year.

The DJ's words were dream and present. I had been praying for God to show me what I should do this year as my word. What did God want to show me this year? What did God want me to learn this year? The word came to me pretty quickly and was confirmed by the song that played after God revealed my word and the scripture verses that came with that.


While I was hoping for a more creative word or something totally different from the norm, the more that the day went on, this word was exactly what I needed. Trust ... that is a hard concept sometimes to learn which is probably why God has chosen this word to signify what 2010 is going to be for me. Trusting others, trusting God, trusting myself...all things that God will be showing me.

I have to admit I am a little scared at this endeavor. Trust...what is God going to bring for me that I have to trust totally on Him? After all the stuff that happened in 2009, I thought my trust in Christ was pretty strong. Who knows? God knows and all I have to do is trust that He will not give me more than I can handle.

The scriptures God gave me on that day are found in Matthew 6:25-34 which speaks about not worrying about where our "things" come from. We are to trust in Him because He is the one who takes care of us. The song is Lincoln Brewsters "Today is the Day." I have attached the video for you to hear the song. This was just such confirmation to me.

So, what is God saying to you? What is your word? I would love to know so I can be praying for you this year as God reveals Himself in a way that you may have never seen before.

I will TRUST in HIM.

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