Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My new reality - I am getting old

I had a new reality tonight - I AM GETTING OLD or should I say my kids are making me feel old!

Tonight was freshman orientation at KA's new high school. Yes you heard that right...high school. I can't believe I have a child who is entering high school. We made our way into the auditorium where they were handed a t-shirt and told to sit in the bleachers for further instructions. We watched as the cheerleaders tried to get new the students to participate in a school cheer while dazed and confused parents, much like myself, sat on the bleachers trying to figure out how in the world they got there. Wasn't it just a few years ago that I was sitting at some pep rally watching some cheerleaders do the same thing at my high school. How is it possible I have a child sitting next to me who is now venturing off to this same adventure called HIGH SCHOOL?!

We took the tour of the ancient school located in rural suburb. It is like a school that I have never seen. The schools in the San Diego area where I grew up were fairly new at least by comparison to this school. This high school was built in the early 1900's. It is three stories tall with all sorts of scroll work and marble floors. It is like all those schools you see in the movies. We walked up and down the stairs through these old hallways in an attempt to figure out where all of her classes will be. One of her classes looks like it is in the basement of the school. Like I said crazy!

I had to just stop at times and just look around. I am here with my child who is wearing a t-shirt that says "Class of 2013" on the back of it. I will only have her around with me for four more years. Time has flown by. You always hear people tell you that when you have a baby and you look at them lik they have lost their minds. How can that be when I am standing in pajamas that haven't been changed in two days, which was the last time you took a shower by the way, smelling like baby puke and poo as your child whom you carried for the last nine months is totally inconsolable in your arms. Time fly by...yeah right?!

But it does...time flies so fast that one day you are crying because you haven't slept in days and you can't make the child go to sleep and the next day you are standing at freshman orientation realizing you have four years left to "hang out" with them.

Don't get me wrong, I am so happy for KA to go to high school. She is going to learn so much and do so much. I don't want her to miss out on anything. But I don't want to miss out on anything either!

Oh well, enough sadness for tonight. The sun will come up tomorrow.

Never mind...tomorrow is middle school orientation with AJ. This year is going to be one roller coaster of a year!

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