Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jehovah Jireh - Our provider

We really do serve a miraculous heavenly father! We were singing today in church, "How great is our God," and I found my self just thinking how that statement is so true. Our God is so great there are really no words that I know of to truly describe how great my/our God is.

Our family had and is currently having some miraculous things happen that can only be described as a God thing. There is just simply no way to have these things happen other than with God's hand leading and moving through the process. I can't go into full detail yet as we are still awaiting true confirmation, but what has happened so far and what we think will happen next is truly an answer to prayer! There is no logical reason for it to be happening. We were hoping and believing for it to come true but realistically the world's answer would have been a resounding "NO!"

But we serve a BIG GOD who holds us in the palm of His hand. He is Jehovah Jireh - Our Provider.

Let me just say this as encouragement to those who are going through financial trouble right now...God is faithful. God will provide. It may not always be in the way we think it will be, but He is faithful. Trust God to open doors that seem to be closed and to close doors that need to be forgotten. Trust, believe and have faith that what He says He will do.

Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)- Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

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