We had many competitions on the Wii with the family, lots of people in and out of the kitchen, many games of cards and lots of laughter. My sister, parents and I have this thing about laughter. When we have been up too long or confined too long (car rides, etc) we tend to get a little giddy and you have no idea where things are going to go. We have almost been asked to leave restaurants due to our laughter and commotion once we get going. The best part is our husbands have learned to join in the fun. In fact sometimes they make it worse!

There was two downsides to the trip - we were all spread out from each other and the weather. Unfortunately we weren't able to be at the same location. My sister and her family were located in N. Myrtle, my parent's were located in Surfside Beach and we were on the southern end of Myrtle Beach proper. We did a lot of driving to see each other but it was well worth the time and effort.
Then there was the weather. Talk about hot! To make it worse, my poor family who is use to So. California weather about melted. They were not use to the heat and humidity. I do have to admit it was even hot for me and I am pretty use to this weather. It was so hot the one day we decided to play at the beach we about died. My poor nephew about burnt the bottom of his little feet because the sand was just so hot! Thank goodness my parents went out and bought umbrellas for us. It would have been absolutely miserable without them.
All in all we had a fabulous vacation. Hours at the lazy river, mini-golf at Mt. Alanticus, fireworks at Barefoot Landing and the best of all hanging out with family. I can't believe how fast the time went. I can't wait until our next family vacation - whenever that may be.
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