Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Grandparent's arrive...must be close to Christmas

My parents arrived today from California. They are here until Jan. 3rd. Don't know what we are going to be doing while they are here but we are glad to have them. We don't get to see them very often so we are glad when they get to come out.

Holidays just aren't the same without extended family. Maybe that is because almost all of my holidays growing up had some family member around. My extended family for the most part live within driving distance from each other with most in San Diego or Orange County. My grandma lived 10 minutes away so we always had her over at Christmas at some part of the day unless she was visiting someone else.

From the time of KA's 2nd Christmas, we made a decision to celebrate with everyone together. It was too hard on KA and us to go from house to house and alternate Christmas day/Christmas eve. Someone was always going to get jipped. Luckily for us our families agreed and worked together. No one wanted to miss the kids' at Christmas and it was fun to have everyone in one house. My mother-in-law brought her family traditions and my parents did their family traditions and we made new ones. We knew at some point it would change once our siblings got married but until then, one loud extended family Christmas it was! We also did it for Thanksgiving and Easter too!

I just love having all the families together for the holidays. I thought for awhile that I would love it to be just the four of us, but there is something that is missing. I just feel like it is just another day without all the craziness, loud, family times. Not that the 4 of us can't do it, it just isn't the same. Thanksgiving and Christmas - holidays in general - just aren't the same without the family.

Well, at least I will enjoy my parent's while they are here.

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