Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Friday, September 10, 2010

Blog Hop with me - Five Question Friday - 9/10/10

Decided to try and do something a little light-hearted for a Friday and get to know some more people out there in our "blog world."

1. Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself?

Yes - We are on a uber tight budget right now. I have never been into clothes, shoes, bags, etc which helps me not spend a lot on me.

2. How well do you know your neighbors?

We use to be really close. When we first moved into our neighborhood six years ago, we were one of a few houses on our street (new development). As people moved in we all began hanging out and doing things together. Sadly, we have all gone into our normal routines again. If we see each other we will stop and talk but we don't hang out like we use to.

3. What age are you looking forward to being?

I guess I am looking forward to 40. That is the next big milestone (even though it is a few years off). My girls will be done with HS and moving on to college. It will begin a new chapter in our lives. I think that is something to look forward to.

4. Do you get excited when the mail comes? Why?

Yes - I have always loved getting mail and opening it. I don't know the real reason but it is fun. I just hate opening bills - they stink!

5. What is your earliest childhood memory?

I don't have specific memories more like flashes of certain things - hanging out at home with my family, going to the zoo, Knott's Berry Farm and Disneyland. Like I said just more like flashes of memories but nothing specific.

Come and blog hop with me!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Any other tech-dinosaurs out there?

Sometimes I feel like the cool mom. Someone who knows her stuff. I feel I am up with current trends and latest buzz but when it comes to technology, I guess I am a dinosaur.

While my husband is the biggest computer geek around, I am not. Even while saying that, he does not own much of what he researches or works with when doing consulting work. We have our 2 Macs at home and a dying laptop that we lovingly call "the frisbee." We have older tvs none of which are flat screens. We both bounce around on Facebook. I obviously have a blog that I attempt to keep up to date. I just starting using Skype last month after much prompting by my parents -yes, my parents used Skype before me. How sad is that?!

I would love to be one of the ones on twitter telling people about my day or any little adventures I go on but I just don't have the technology nor the willingness to go out and buy it. My cell phone is used for phone calls and texting. I don't have mobile access due to the cost. We are on budgets and that just isn't in the budget at this time. It has a camera but it takes ok photos and the ones that I have taken are still in the same place they were when they were taken - on my phone.

I see all these posts on twitter, FB and blogs with all of these cute updates and massive amounts of pictures chronicling the day's events of my friends as I sit here in awe. Part of me wants to join in the fun too. There are so many times I wish I could post something right there in the moment of the event when all the emotions are still in play.

The other part of me knows I would become obsessed. Is that really what I want to do with my time?

For now, I am the techno-dinosaur. You can reach me by blog, email, text, phone or even by....wait for it - snail mail!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sing My Soul Saturdays - Whisper His Name

I absolutely love this song. It is by Deluge. We sang it last week in our Encounter (extended worship) service. I have been singing it all week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Goals

A friend of mine, Nancy Ray, has begun to rub off on me in a good way!

She is a goal setter. Every month on her blog she sets goals for herself for the month. While Mr. A has been away, I have been getting to small little projects and making list of new projects that I would like to attempt. So with that I decided to make my first set of goals for September. I am going to try my best to do all of them but I am not going to be disappointed if it doesn't happen.

September goals:

Hang and hem curtains in Ky's room
Choose paint and paint AJ's room
Refinish mirror and hang in house
Enlarge and frame pictures for Ky's room
Start making hats for Fall Festival
Prep and paint our bedroom
Choose paint color for master bath
Work on flower beds along fence line
Sit down w/Mr A and discuss future landscaping projects
Begin walking - either on treadmill or outside
Reducing my food portions
Drink more water - at least 64 ounces a day (not easy for me!)

I think those are a good start on goals. I think this will become a monthly thing like Nancy's. Look for more of these posts on the 1st of every month!

Thanks for the motivation Nancy!