Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Nelson's

On Sunday at church we had our first missionary come and visit. This family is a local NC family who is heading out to language school in December and from there to Venezuela for 2 years. As a church we are supporting them financially, but we are also supporting them physically and emotionally. They are basically an extension of Adventure Life's family.

Chris and Angela are amazing! They are so down to earth and have such a passion for the people of Venezuela. They have the most adorable boys - Ian, Isaiah and Imanuel. Art & I were able to just hang out and talk with them for awhile which was great! They were youth leaders for awhile before deciding to become missionaries so it was fun to share stories about youth ministry.

If you have a chance, go check out their website:

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