Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Friday, October 1, 2010


It's finally fall!

I never thought it would get here this year. This summer was the hottest I have seen in the 6 years of living here. On the first day of fall it was 96 degrees! How crazy is that?! But over the weekend we had rain and it seems to have pushed that hot air out and brought autumn in. I can't wait to unpack my long sleeves, sweaters, scarves and fleece!

I used to think I loved fall growing up in So. California. There was a change in the air (or so I thought), pumpkin patches would show up, trips to Julian for apples and cider...ah memories.

What I found out was that those "changes in season" weren't a true fall experience. Living in an area now that has actually has seasons I found out that I am absolutely in love with fall. There is a distinct change in the air that you can not only feel, but smell. I know weird but so true! The sky even seems to change. It makes things seem more crisp or pop out at you.

I love the vibrant colors of the changing of leaves. It is truly God's masterpiece on a living canvas of trees. I find myself longing for it every year now. It is truly breath taking. Reds, golds, oranges so vibrant that they seem to pop like fireworks of color.

Some of other things I love about fall are:

Football - this chick is a football girl. I have raised my girls to love football too. No college teams but we love our Chargers (even though they stink), Green Bay Packers (hubby's fam is from Wisconsin) and we occasionally watch the Carolina Panthers. There is nothing like coming home on Sunday afternoon eating lunch while watching some football.

Lipton's Green Tea Cranberry Pomegranate - It is like fall in a cup

Chili or soup and homemade biscuits - YUMMY. My new favorite soup is a Chicken and Dumplings soup made in the crockpot. Can we say more please!!

Apples - I love apples in the fall. We have found so many other varieties out here that we didn't know about before. The family's favorites are Suncrisp and Honey Crisp. They are a little tart like a Granny Smith but has a texture of a pear. They make the best apple crisps!

A hard tart, long keeping apple.
Red over orange color; Golden Delicious-type
Ripens late in the season
Best for: Baking, storing

Introduced in Minnesota
Very sweet and aromatic
Great for juice, as it is a very juicy apple
Best for: Eating, pies, baking
Mid season

As you can see I am going a little fall crazy right now. I am so ready for this change in seasons. I am so ready for the holidays, cooler weather and friends coming over. Are you in love with fall as much as me?

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