Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Need a house?

This will be our miracle this year! (See post below).

We have had our house on the market since June 07. We are trying to move closer to the church where we attend and serve. Right now it takes us about 45 minutes to get there. This has made it hard for us to connect on some levels as we are so far away from the community and people we are trying to reach. We know this is what we are suppose to do so it hasn't been a question of is this right, but at times the commute gets old.

We are on our second real estate agent and no bites. We have had a few lookers - 8 in 8 months - but no luck. We have done everything we can to make it appealing, but I know the market isn't the greatest.

However, I have a God who is the greatest despite the market. I have a God who cares about the stress that this is putting on us. I have a God who is in control when everything else doesn't seem to be. I know that God's timing is perfect despite my inpatience.

But is it a lack of faith and trust when we continue to pray and ask? Or is it obedience because we are asking and trusting when we could try to do it on our own? This is something I go back and forth on all the time.

For now, I continue to ask. I trust that it is going to happen when it is suppose to happen and believe that it will be soon.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I completely understand the need to sell a house!!! I have 6 investment properties to sell and have been trying for nearly a year also. I know that the market is terrible where I live right now but God can and will provide a buyer for you and for His time regardess of what the market says. The lack of good tenants who would pay rent on time, costly evictions and repairs nearly put us under financially in 2007 but God always provided just enough every month. Regardless of God's provision, it just about did me in...the stress, anxiety, fear and depression took it toll on me. When I was so exhausted to wonderful friends, pastor and his precious wife (my dear friend) held me up. On December 13th, I was seeking God's direction in His Word and he led me to Isaiah 61. I was shouting after reading it. I emailed my friend...pastor's wife and she confirmed the Word from God to our family for 2008 in Isaiah 61 because I impressed on her,the night before when she was praying for us, to tell me to go to Isaiah it, believe it and apply it. I praise God daily for His Word, His direction, His love, His provision and His protection. God is faithful and always in control. Praying with you on the sale of your house.