I have several favorite songs by Steven Curtis Chapman but this is one has really spoken to me especially this week. I find it almost ironic that this is a Steven Curtis Chapman song he wrote so long ago considering what he and his family are going through this week. Hopefully they are clinging these words this week as God helps them go through this valley. God's strength is truly perfect when we don't think we can continue on more step or have one more thing go wrong.
God please help the Chapman family through this valley. Help them cling to these words that you happen to give Steven so long ago and renew/restore their faith through his time. Thank you for being faithful~your love and peace are so desparately needed especially now!
Great song and horrible news for the Chapman family...we are praying for them as they go down this hard road.
Thanks for sharing the song and your heart!
Thanks for sharing this!
Yes, God's strength in perfect. Thank you for the reminder
Our hearts and prayers are with the Chapmans as well. /my older girls and I crued when we heard the news.
This song is so powerful. Praise Him that He carries us when we can't go on. I pray that He is carrying the Chapman family and giving them His strength to face this situation.
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I just realized that I didn't add you as one of our prayer warriors in my new blog... I've added you... I'm sorry about that!!!
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