Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Welcome to the world, Baby J

This week has been an emotional filled roller coaster for Mr. A's family. On Monday, May 5th his sister called to have us pray.

Good news: She was 2 cm dialated and still having contractions
Bad news: She was 6 weeks early

Mr. A talked with her for awhile and let her know that everything was going to be ok. We would pray and talk with her again tomorrow after her monitoring at the hospital.

Well we talked to his mom around 5 pm EST and the first words out of her mouth were "You're an uncle!" Apparently the baby's heart rate was dropping to much so they decided to do a c-section. The baby was good - 6lbs 8oz and 18 inches long - not bad for 6 weeks early. Mr. A talked to his sis who was still a little out of it, but they said everything was good. Welcome to the world baby!

Well, the next day we get a call that the hospital took the baby to Children's Hospital about 30 minutes away from my sister-in-law. They noticed something with the baby and wanted to do further tests. Also due to being 6 weeks early they wanted to monitor the baby's lungs and eating to make sure things were good. My poor sister in law was distraught - being so far away and crazy complications - and this was her fisrt baby. My heart broke for hers. I could not imagine what she was going through. She was trying to recover from a c-section at one hospital while her baby whom she saw for about a total of 15 minutes was at another hospital.

The biggest complication - we thought the baby was a girl but it was really a boy! Apparently this is what caught the doctors attention in the delivery room. They wanted to do further testing to see and make sure. Talk about crazy - preparing for the last few months for a girl, even naming her when born only to find out it was a boy a few hours later. Don't get me wrong - ultrasounds are wrong all the time as my husband reminded me, but the fact that things were still in question made it hard. My poor sister in law and her husband's heads were spinning!

Well after 3 days of scans, x-rays and blood tests, we are proud to say we have a nephew, Jonah! They were 90% sure after day 1 1/2 but they wanted to make absolutely sure. We are proud to say he is all boy but will have to have some surgery in the next 6-12 months to fix what apparently did not develop correctly. The doctors don't see anything that will be a problem in the future. Everything is currently working correctly and he will hopefully be out of the hospital in a couple of weeks once he gets the eating thing down.

We just praise God because he is here, growing, getting better every day and we can't wait to meet him! We are so excited to have a new nephew in the family.

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