Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Monday, July 7, 2008

Bye Bye Bye - Gall Bladder

All I can hear as I type that in my head is N Sync's song, Bye Bye Bye!

I tried writing this post a couple of days after surgery and literally nothing made sense - not one sentence. So a few days later now that I am off the pain medication I can clearly write this post.

Yes it is gone! My gall bladder has left the body!

I am not doing too bad considering I had a body part removed. I think the worse part was waking up from anesthia. Not that I have a problem with anesthesa, but I was in a lot of pain. It hurt to breathe. They were telling me to take deep breaths but I couldn't. Everytime I breathed in this enormous pain would shoot in my side. The nurse asked me if I needed pain meds - YES! I was praying hard that either the pain meds kick in or God would take the pain away. Finally after about 30 minutes the pain subsided and I was doing much better. THANK YOU JESUS!

The doctor kept me in the hospital over night so they could monitor my pain meds and just overall health. I didn't get much consistent sleep just a lot of small naps here and there. Mr. A came and picked me up on July 4th (the day after my surgery). They said their pharmacy was closed for the holiday but I could go anywhere and pick up my pain medication. So we headed off to Wally World only to find out their pharmacy was closed for the holiday. I looked at Mr. A and almost cried. The hospital had given me pain meds before I left, but I knew my next dose was in about 2 hours and we couldn't find an open pharmacy. Finally we headed to another small chain that had a pharmacy that was open - THANK YOU JESUS! Twenty minutes later we were heading home.

I have been doing pretty good at home. I am starting to eat a little more. I have been really cautious about what I have been eating as it use to cause pain, but I have to be even more careful now since I have no gall bladder to help process the food. Mr. A has stayed home with me and been a great nurse. The girls have been pretty good to...a little forgetful when it comes to hugging or wanting to run into me on the couch but all in all they have been great too.

Thank you for all of your prayers! They have been felt. Thank you to our friends, The Thompsons, as they watched our kids while I was in the hospital. We really do appreciate all you did! You guys were an answer to prayer.


No Crying Mama said...

glad you are feeling better now! I find that I can eat pretty much anything...but stuff that's really greasy goes right through me!! Sorry if TMI :) Love ya!

ThePineappleMamma said...

Hey lady. I emailed you about this too, but did certain foods just absolutly kill you with pain? I have been having that problem the last few years and dr.'s have finally told me that it's my gall bladder, and it's been WAY worse since being preggers again. I'm talking pain that leaves you curled up moaning? Is that how you felt too? One of the OB dr.'s here said I need to have it removed, but there's nothing that can be done now that I'm in the last trimester, POOP!