Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Check out these blogs

I love blogging. I know I don't blog everyday like some, but when I do I love it! Part of it is like journaling to me where I can write out my feelings and thoughts while the other side of it for me is keeping family and friends up to date with what is happening in our lives. Recently (and not too recently) I have found some of my dear friends have blogs also. Some have purposes and plans while others are like mine that just kind of document life around them.

I encourage you to check them out. I have them list below and also on my side bar in case you can't get the links to work.

Beloved Mama - Great friend who I have reconnected with in the last year. She has a great insight on families with young children and just a heart for women's ministry. Her blog makes me laugh with what is going on with her boys and challenges me on my daily walk.

Beloved Mama Prays - Same friend, different site. If you ever have a prayer request please go there and there is a group of men and women (mostly women) who are ready to pray for your request. Also, if you have a praise post that. God is good and it is important to not only come with our request, but thank Him when it is answered!

No Crying over Spilled Milk - This girl is practically a sister of mine. She is one of my sister's best friends and she practically lived at our house. When my kids were little they called her Auntie Kuna. She is a youth and worship leader and has an awesome passion for missions, worship and youth and how they all work together.

Fit Mama, Fit Family - Written by the same fabulous women on No Crying Over Spilled Milk. This one focuses more on nutrition, exercise, healthy living and general health.

You'll Get Through This - This is a very new blog written by another dear friend. This blog is honest and challenging. God is going to do something with this blog.

Go visit my friends' blogs. I think you will be encouraged just as I have.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tricia, for posting this!!! We just returned from a very long vacation and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone again. You're awesome and thanks for posting all those new pictures on the facebook site! I love it!

No Crying Mama said...

Thank you for the link!! Blogging is a fun world :)