Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Being at peace with where God has me

As I sit here and write, one of my best friends is making her self comfortable "at home" in CA. This is the third of my friends who have moved back to California in the last year. There were a lot of us who made a mass exodus from California about 6 years ago or shortly there before. Many of us were called to by God to move to other areas. Others moved for economic reasons. California is just so darn expense to live in. I had heard that growing up but it isn't until you leave and live somewhere else that you see just how expensive it really is.

As I talked to her while they were driving cross country it kind of made me home sick. She was talking about some of the places she wanted to take her kids and have them experience. Places we hung out and have memories of. Another of my friends who moved back within the last year was posting pictures on her blog of their stay-cation. They were just hanging out and being tourist in our hometown. I found myself longing to do that with my girls. Wanting my girls to experience some of the places, things and sights that my husband and I experienced growing up.

I guess it's not helping that right now I am in a funk. Things aren't bad, there is just a lot of stuff going on financially, spiritually and emotionally that sometimes you want to go back to what you know, what you are comfortable with. I will admit there have been times I have longed to go back to CA. Most of those times are when I am missing family or when an event is happening and I know there is no possible way to be there.

The grass is always greenier on the other side. The logical and practical side of me knows that nothing would really change or be better if we moved home. Same problems, prettier location to have them in. We would have family close and that is always a bonus. But when it comes to friends, I was the first in my group of friends to have kids. All of the girlfriends I mentioned have young kids. Kids that are infants or that have barely started elementary school while my kids are in high school and middle school. It's not like we wouldn't have things to discuss because we do, it is just we are in different phases in our lives.

So I just have to be thankful for where God has placed me. I can't be moving forward if I am constantly looking back. God has brought us to this place for a reason. There are times we scratch our head and wonder because we haven't seen "it" - the reason for coming. God has shown us little things along the way to confirm that this is where He wants us for now. Until God shows or provides another way, home is here. Home is where my God and my family are.


Anonymous said...

WE miss you!

Life's an adventure said...

Thanks, C! Miss you guys too! Glad I have one person who reads my blog! ;)