Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

School has begun

It's that time again! Time for the school supply lists and packing up all of those items in a book bag that cringes due to the amount of stuff getting crammed in it.

This year, Ky is a sophomore in high school. Where does the time go? It is crazy how fast time flies. She has a crazy semester again. 1) Honors Composition, 2) Honors Civics and Economics, 3) Spanish 1, and 4) Honors Algebra 2. She loves the pressure and is excited about the classes for the most part.

My only complaint so far - due to budget cuts she has 2 temporary contract teachers. One for Honors Comp and the other for Spanish 1. The sad thing is the Spanish 1 teacher doesn't even know Spanish. Seriously!!! How can you put someone in to teach Spanish who doesn't know Spanish. We are hoping that things will work out. They are hoping to have a permanent teacher in sometime in the next 3 weeks to 3 months. Thank goodness I have taken 3 years of Spanish and kept some of my old books. I am teaching her a lot more at home then she is getting so far in class. Ky says there is a boy in class who is helping the teacher with her pronunciation.

AJ is starting 7th grade. Her class load is pretty standard with the exception of her electives - chorus and band. She had chorus last year and absolutely loved it so that I am not worried about. The band on the other hand is a sore subject in our house. Ky took band in 6th and half of 7th grade. The teacher was the biggest jerk of all time! She stuck it out and we are proud of her for following through. We made a decision that AJ wouldn't take band due the issues we had previously.

However, when we saw her schedule band was there. Luckily the teacher has changed and this teacher seems very happy to teach and pretty enthusiastic which is a happy change from the previous teacher. The bad thing is due to our financial situation the rental of an instrument is some thing we really have to think about. Unfortunately there are no other classes for her to transfer into. This was her absolute last choice on her electives but all the other elective classes are completely full that they are forcing kids to take band and chorus because those are the two classes that still have room. We might just have to bit the bullet and get her an instrument for now and see what might open next semester.

The bonus for AJ is she only has 1 teacher that Ky had in middle school. I like that AJ has been able to have other teachers than what Ky had. That way there is no preconceived ideas about AJ or comparisons to Ky. They are both great students but their personalities and learning styles are so different to compare them would be an injustice to them both.

As they walked out of the house this morning my only regret was I didn't take picture for the first day. Mr. A has the camera in CA and I didn't feel like trying to find the girls cameras or take photos on my phone. I have a standard cell phone and the photos are pretty much junk!

No photos for their memory books but the memories will always remain in my mind and heart.

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