Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes, it is that time birthday. 33 and going strong...well I need to do a little better with my health (like exercise and eat right) but all in all doing pretty good.

While some of you might call 33 young, I work with youth and you might as well call me ancient! I had to laugh on Sunday as we were watching Princess Bride with some of the youth. They were laughing at me because I could practically act out and quote the entire movie. I told them that is what happens when you watch the movie at almost ever sleepover, youth hangout, and late night at someone's house during my high school days. I told them that there were two movies or so that I watched constantly through my high school days (I watched a lot more, but this is what the crowd I hung with watched a lot):

1. Princess Bride
2. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

A couple of the youth then looked at me and asked "What is Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure?" I about fell out of my chair. I couldn't believe they had never heard of it...even my children have watched it! I guess that is because I am their mother and I feel that it is a classic - corny/cheesy, but classic.

So here I am 33 - not old by certain people and ancient by others. I guess I will take it...I kind of like being in "limbo" when it comes to my age. I am thankful that God has given me another year to do His work, spend time with my kids and husband, my extended family and friends. Thank you God for being faithful to me even though I haven't always been as faithful to you!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday!

That's funny about Bill & Teds, and Princess Bride! Well, I know youth think I'm old, and I'm in my mid-30's... I learned to "type" on a typewriter. I listened to records. A phone that could travel was a sci-fi thought, as I was growing up. GASP! LOL

Enjoy your day!!

Blessings! ~Sharon~