Be Adventurous!

Follow our family on our daily adventure on this thing called "life" as we try to be God's hands and feet to the world around us. Matthew 28:19-20

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mountain top experience vs our valleys

I heard this on the radio recently and it struck me in the heart. I have never heard it explained this way but it something my heart has been clinging to.

We all long for those mountain top experiences. You know the ones like where you go to camp and you "meet" God. You have such a peace, a fire, a renewal. You are so "high" on God that you are on the top of the world (or top of a mountain).

Then there are the times were you don't know what is going on. Things just aren't working, God seems distant, life just keeps coming at you and you grow weary. We "Christians" call this "our valley". We long for our mountain top when we are in our valleys times.

But if we stop and look around at the top of the mountain, there is nothing growing. At times there is nothing there but snow. No trees, plants, just rocks. If you look around, it is pretty bare compared to the valleys. The valleys are full of growth - trees, flowers, grass are all in bloom. Life is growing in the valleys.

It is in "our valleys" where we grow. God is pruning, seeding, growing our faith and belief during these times. We cannot grow on the mountain top. It is a moment in time to meet Him.
But it is in the valleys where we grow! Our faith becomes in bloom. The roots of our faith can grow deeper into the rich soil of these times.

While we may long for the top of the mountain, let's not forget the beauty of God in the valley!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Amen! God bless you